4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Is Perioscopy for Me?
Phoenix, AZ

Photo of a woman holding her hand to her face in pain with periodontal gum disease at Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona in Phoenix, AZGum disease is the inflammation of the gum tissue in our mouth. We rely on this tissue to provide support to our teeth and help them stay firmly in place. If the disease persists, it will progress destroying the connection between our teeth and gums causing our teeth to loosen and eventually fall out. This may sound extreme but gum disease is the most common reason for tooth loss in adults. A procedure known as a perioscopy is a non-surgical treatment that we can perform to scope the infection and help clear it out. Working with our team at Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, we can help you have healthier teeth and gums.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a very common dental disorder that if left untreated can have very serious consequences. We want to manage the health of your teeth and gums by eliminating the source of the infection and promoting healthy tissue to grow. We can do this with multiple techniques often beginning with a thorough dental cleaning and tracking and measuring your gum pockets. When a patient has a gum pocket that exceeds 5 mm in depth, action is needed to save the tissue. Non-surgical treatment is always the preferred initial step. A perioscopy is a great option.

What is a Perioscopy?

Perioscopy treatment is a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure for persistent gum disease. Perioscopy uses a tiny fiber optic probe, or camera, that we gently slip between the tooth and gum tissue to scope out the infection. We are able to see live stream images of the space between the tooth and gums to have a greater understanding and view of the infected area. The images are seen on a screen with up to 48x magnification near your chair. This helps us view and examine every minute detail of the area. Our team is then able to use this information for a more detailed cleaning. We want to remove the source of the infection and then promote a healing response from your tissue.

Am I a Candidate for Perioscopy Treatment?

We may suggest perioscopy treatment for patients who are beginning to escalate inflammation in their gum tissue. This means that the gum pocket depth is exceeding 5mm, and we are beginning to notice advanced issues such as the loss of tissue. We want to take directed action to rid the area of the source causing the infection and help the tissue heal.

Our patients love the benefits of the perioscopy treatment which include:
•  Non-Surgical Treatment: The perioscopy procedure is completed without cuts, stitches, or downtime. We complete treatment in our office and many patients are then able to resume their daily tasks.
•  Detailed View: Our patients love the education and communication that occurs during your perioscopy. This is because they are able to see clear, large images of what we see. This advancement in technology is great for communication and dialogue. Our patients often leave feeling more informed with greater understanding of their periodontal tissue.
•  Finding Tiny Problems: We do our best, but the naked eye can only see so much. Dental technology and tools have advanced allowing us to spot even tiny problems that are causing large issues.

Office Hours
Closed for Lunch12–1
Contact Us
4455 E. Camelback Road
Suite #E-100
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(480) 504-0506
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Is Perioscopy for Me? Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona
Working with our team at Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona in Phoenix, we can help you have healthier teeth and gums. Call us today!
Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, 4455 E. Camelback Rd #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018, (480) 504-0506, azimplantsolutions.com, 2/10/2025, Tags: Periodontist Phoenix AZ,