4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018

LPRF (Leukocyte Platelet Derived Fibrin)
Phoenix, AZ

a smiling patient in Phoenix, AZ who received leukocyte platelet-derived fibrin from Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona
Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself following injury or surgery. Your blood is filled with platelets, which are responsible for regeneration of hard and soft tissues. Platelets form clots, which stop bleeding, and growth hormones, which aid in new cell growth. However, despite your body’s ability to heal on its own, your mouth is filled with oral bacteria. These bacteria can invade vulnerable surgical sites, increasing your risk of developing an infection. At Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, we utilize the latest technologies to ensure a safe, comfortable, successful procedure. We can help to speed up your healing process, and reduce your risk of infection, with leukocyte-platelet derived fibrin.

What Is LPRF?

Leukocyte-platelet derived fibrin (LPRF) is a byproduct of your blood. After a small sample of your blood has been processed, the platelet-rich clots are collected and used to expedite your healing process. LPRF has been used in hospitals for a while now. It is a relatively new addition to the dental world, but it has many useful applications.

Applications in Dentistry

LPRF can be used in several different ways in dentistry:
•  Periodontal treatments. For instance, LPRF can be used following a soft tissue graft to repair receding gums.
•  Bone graft procedures. LPRF can be used with bone grafts for dental implants, sinus lift procedures (lifting the sinus cavity and filling the space below with graft material), or cleft palate surgery.
•  Facial reconstruction.
•  Other types of bone repair, including the removal of cysts or issues following a tooth extraction.

Creating LPRF

LPRF is created right in the office, from the comfort of the dentist’s chair, just before your procedure begins. You don’t have to schedule a separate appointment for the blood draw. We take a small sample of blood, usually only about 2 ounces. The sample is then placed into a centrifuge, which spins the sample rapidly. As it spins, clots form, containing high concentrations of healing platelets. We spin the sample until the desired number of clots are created. Those clots are then removed from the sample and pressed to the ideal thickness. LPRF is applied directly to the surgical sites. A fibrin network forms, which traps cytokines (proteins that send signals to other cells in your body to come to the surgical site and help with healing). The result of this is an expedited healing process.

Experience the Benefits of LPRF

LPRF offers numerous benefits:
•  Faster healing. LPRF contains platelets and growth factors, which increase tissue growth.
•  Lowered risk of infection. LPRF is essentially a bioactive bandage. Faster healing gives bacteria less of an opportunity to infiltrate the surgical site. At the same time, LPRF seals the wounds from invasion.
•  Convenient and safe. The blood is drawn during your already scheduled procedure. There is no need to come in before your appointment. Moreover, it is ready as soon as your procedure is finished. It is also completely safe. Because we use your blood, there is no risk of disease transmission.

Even the safest, most successful oral procedures come with risk for infection. LPRF reduces that risk and helps to speed up your healing. Contact Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona today to learn more!
Office Hours
Closed for Lunch12–1
Contact Us
4455 E. Camelback Road
Suite #E-100
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(480) 504-0506
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LPRF| Implant & Perio Wellness Center | Phoenix, AZ Periodontist
LPRF reduces risks associated with oral procedures and helps to speed up your healing. Contact Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona today to learn more!
Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, 4455 E. Camelback Rd #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018 ^ (480) 504-0506 ^ azimplantsolutions.com ^ 2/10/2025 ^ Related Terms: Periodontist Phoenix AZ ^